29 August 2006


Yesterday was the first day of the new job. It went pretty well, actually. I think I made a good impression, since I spent any time that could have been idle time, asking what else there was for me to do. And there was always something. Always. I like that. I still don't know what half the vegetables are, but I'm learning how pretty much everything else works. Closed last night, and went through most of the closing procedure (taking perishables into the walk-in cooler for overnight) and then I was there again for opening this morning (less than 12 hours later! Whee!)

Interesting note about THAT, by the way... I got there, and Tim, the main Reciever guy, was outside, peering into the window. They had given Mahvash, the store manager the rest of the week off, starting today, and hadn't told Kevin (manager of the Market location) that he was supposed to be there. And they ALSO had neglected to realize that Kevin doesn't have keys for the Bank St. store. Oof. So after one of the truck drivers (with a delivery for us) called Jeremy (the HR guy(?)) and quite literally said "What the fuck is going on, man?" he showed up at about 7:30, unlocked the store, and we went about madly rushing to and fro, setting up the store to open at 8:00.

Kevin is awesome, and seems to be about my age or slightly older. I almost wish they had sent me to the Market location for training, but he said it's pretty slow-paced there right now, so I'm glad that I'm where I am, since it seems to be busy all the time.

Mahvash is fantastic, and so very funny. Never in my life have I heard someone shout the phrase "I KEEL You!" so often! (Actually, I've never heard someone actually USE it and be unaware of how amusing it sounds. She just has the right accent for it to be almost perfect.)

Most of the rest of the people who I've met so far seem to be pretty cool (though there's one older gentleman who seems grouchy most of the time, but I don't blame him. I just wish he'd realize that IT'S MY FIRST DAY so please... be PATIENT. I'm learning how to do this shit.)

I work again on Thursday at noon, Friday at 7 (whee!) and Saturday at... whenever. Kevin isn't the manager of this store, and won't be around on Saturday, so he doesn't really know (or care :P).

As an aside, walking around all day, like I did at BouClair, is easy. Standing in one place for most of the day, sorting and packaging produce, is REALLY FUCKING HARD on the back. (Seriously, it hasn't spasm-and-cramped this hard in a hell of a long time.) I need to start doing core exercises again. My back doesn't like holding the rest of me up and still. And yes, I've been standing with one foot up on something and all that. It just makes the other foot sore from holding most of my weight on a concrete floor. I plan to spend as much of the rest of the night, and at least half of tomorrow, as still as possible.

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